Helicopter Emergency Landing Procedure






For kite flyers in a situation where an emergency helicopter may need to land.


If you see a helicopter, or hear three blasts on a whistle:


1. Land your kite immediately. Use kite killers, if fitted, for speed.


2. Stake the handles / bar to prevent the kite from self-launching.


3. Quickly bundle-up the kite, wrapping the lines around it, then place it and the handles or bar in its bag.


4. Alert other flyers by blowing three good whistle blasts, or shout “DOWN DOWN DOWN


5. Indicate they must land their kites by using a ‘slow down’ gesture


6. If they do not respond, go to them and insist they cease flying.

If necessary, help them to pack away their equipment






The Air Ambulance may be the preferred method for casualty evacuation.


The area you are flying in is likely to be the least populated part of the beach / park etc.


Any risk that loose items can fly into the rotor blades will prevent the pilot from entering the area.


The pilot NEEDS to land to rescue somebody.


All kites and lines must be packed away to give the helicopter safe landing space.


Don’t worry about tangles, they are not worth a person’s life in an emergency.


If you have a buggy or board, secure that as well.



The information on the following page sets out guidelines that a first-aider / emergency team leader will have training for.


The details for any individual site or emergency will be different to allow for various conditions.


Racekites offer this information to enable you to help in an appropriate manner, under the guidance of any team leader.


The team leader may know of situations you cannot see, and will be allowing for these.


The team leader can be Police, Ambulance, Fire Brigade or Coastguard, or other trained person.

Dial 112 (mobile)  or 999 (landline)











Carry out emergency first aid.


Assess the level of consciousness of the injured party by applying the acronym AVPU


                                                                        A – Alert, answers simple questions correctly. “What day is it?”

                                                                        V – Voice. Only responds to voice, i.e. Eyes may open when you speak to them but cannot answer questions correctly.

                                                                        P – Pain. Only responds to controlled pressure to a fingernail.

                                                                        U – Unresponsive. No response to any of the above.


Unresponsive patients are in danger of developing airway (breathing) problems.

Consider putting the patient into the recovery position. Remember airway takes priority over spinal injuries.


Continue to monitor the patient’s airway, breathing and circulation. Protect patient(s) from the weather conditions until help arrives.


As soon as first aider has declared a medical emergency, contact the Emergency services on 112 (mobile) or 999 (landline).

Ideally, the first aider will remain with the patient and may delegate you to make the call.




Emergency action plans will naturally vary dependant on location.   Ensure that your action plan is appropriate and specific to your location.


The following are a list of guidelines to help you:

Stay calm. Think rationally. The way you react at this point will influence the outcome.

Alert others to the emergency by the following recognized methods:


                                                                        3 Cries of “HELP!” in quick succession

                                                                        3 blasts of your car horn

                                                                        3 quick whistles

                                                                        Flashing car headlights three times

                                                                        Waving of both arms


All the above will attract attention that you are assisting someone, that is your aim.


Think of your own safety, NEVER put yourself at risk whilst trying to help others.


Ensure that no one else is in danger. Ensure all kites and lines are secure, and delegate others to assist in clearing the area as required.



If no first aiders are on site use your common sense and call the emergency services if this has not been done

Dial 112 from a mobile ‘phone, quicker than 999. Ask for Ambulance (and Coastguard if on or near a beach)


The caller will be asked the following questions:


Services required and your telephone number.


Exact location and entry points; nearest road name / landmarks.

The more information you can give regarding your location, the quicker they can attend.


Type of incident. What’s the problem? Nature of injuries.


Age of patient (give approximate age if unknown to you)

Is the patient male or female?

A V P U State – Is the patient conscious? Is the patient breathing?


Based on the information given you will be advised on the course of action from this point onwards by the service operator.

Do all you can to follow this advice and tell the first aider / team leader If you have been delegated to make the phone call.



Put yourself at risk

Move anyone with suspected neck and / or spinal injuries.

(Unless in imminent danger i.e. blocked airway, tide about to cover patient, etc.)